Greater Toronto Area
5770 Hurontario Street, Suite 850
Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3G5
4422A Rue Louis-B.-Mayer
Laval, Québec H7P 0G1
To kick off 2021 and EDGE’s Q1 theme of CHANGE, the January session took a deep dive into Glennon Doyle’s bestselling memoir Untamed with a focus on the chapter “Let It Burn”. Difficult and thought-provoking discussion questions were posed to the group that sparked insightful and open dialogue around the concept of the world’s memos and how Doyle encourages her readers to let those memos burn in pursuit of constantly developing your own truth. Doyle writes, “Destruction is essential to construction. If we want to build the new, we must be willing to let the old burn.”
Digging deeper into the chapter, the topic of social justice and the memos that are created around its perception kept the group’s focus for the majority of the session. Doyle writes, “I let burn my cherished, comfortable idea of America as a place of liberty and justice for all. I let a truer, wider perspective be born in its place, one that included the American experience of people who don’t look like me.” Discussing our own experiences since the June’s re-sparking of the BLM Movement brought a variety of viewpoints and perspective in accepting a new way to view privilege and justice not only in America, but all over the world.